I’m celebrating a ‘first’: the first time I’ve sub-edited a magazine, cover to cover. It landed on the mat this morning and I love it.

Besides what I’ve gained in a professional sense on JUNO Magazine (Conscious Parenting | Sustainability | Community | Wellbeing), the content has also been illuminating. I now know, for example, that anger can be a force for good, that I can do more than rustle up a can of beans on a camper van holiday, and that it turns out there are heaps of benefits to having just 30 guests at your wedding after all.

For anyone who doesn’t know what mag sub-editors do, here it is in a nutshell:

  • Collate all the features and contributions and play around with each piece of content a little or a lot to make sure that each is grammatically correct, factually correct, and adheres to house style and word count.

  • At the same time, the sub-editor has to see through the eyes of the readership, striving to ensure that all content will be clear, engaging and inspiring.

The experience (a maternity leave cover) has spurred me on to want to learn more, so the next string I hope to add to my bow is learning how to work with images, and eventually put everything together on InDesign. #Goals!


Charlotte Perriand, ski architecture visionary: Glorious Sport


Top ten French holidays by car: The Daily Mail